Sensitive, funny, and charming. . . a refreshing entry to the sub-genre of cancer lit.  —Publishers Weekly


Ciresi's depiction of post-singleton life is clever and surprisingly honest. Grade: A —Entertainment Weekly

A cutting commentary on the lasting implications of 'til death do us part.  —Hartford Courant

A straight shootingly honest and winsome but giddy tale about a sharp dressed gal who fooled around, fell in love and makes a go in the suburbs.  —Around Philly

Each [narrator] has a self-deprecating sense of humor that turns their silly spats and patches of boredom into refreshing, wry takes on long-term partnerships.  —Chicago Tribune

Ciresi tells the unvarnished truth about the hilarity, humanity, and sweetness in the best of relationships.  —The Southern Scribe


Winner of the Pirate's Alley Faulkner Prize for the Novel

A moving love story.  —Redbook

Wit and humor are the keys to this lively novel.   —Mademoiselle

 It’s refreshing to find a female narrator with an authentically lusty voice.  —New York Times

Ciresi mixes the tragic and the comic aspects of love in hilarious fashion.   —Tampa Tribune

Bright characters and sharp dialogue make this witty romantic comedy a worthy sequel to the author’s admirable Blue Italian.  —Dallas Morning News


A Book Sense 76 Pick
Finalist for the Paterson Fiction Prize

Poignant ... an old-fashioned tale about girls with old-fashioned dreams ... Angel and Lina will charm the reader. —USA Today

Ciresi has a lovely ear for dialogue and the ability to nail the details in descriptions that are both funny and painfully accurate.  —The New York Times Book Review

Rita Ciresi has done it again. She’s written a book of fiction that wraps hopes and fears and lonesomeness and togetherness and gladness into one funny story after another. —Tampa Tribune-Times

Precisely crafted and compelling ... honest and witty.  —St. Petersburg Times


Selected for the Barnes and Noble Discover New Writers Series

Rita Ciresi's beautifully written, bittersweet first novel examines love and marriage with unflinching honesty. The ending, with its moving, explicit sense of loss, resonates long after the book is closed.  —Elle

There is a sure hand and a keen eye reporting from the two ethnic camps. . . . Despite their faults and excesses. . . the characters. . . are funny and sympathetic in their misery.  —New York Times

This is honest, earthy, warm, and funny—as well as heartbreaking. Highly recommended.  —Library Journal

There is real substance in this tragicomic story of two people with smart mouths and starved hearts groping their way towards a love they don't get much chance to enjoy.  —Publisher's Weekly

A remarkably accomplished debut.  —Booklist


Winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction & finalist for the Los Angeles Times' Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction

Ms. Ciresi’s characters…are artfully balanced, charged with currents of despair, but never lugubrious and often funny. What jolts the reader through these pieces is the consistent blasts of vitality in the author’s prose.  —The New York Times Book Review

Sharp-eyed, gently humorous fiction whose characters linger in the mind.  —Kirkus Reviews